Column | Discription |
Temp | Air Temperature in °C. |
Wind | Direction from which the wind is coming (degrees for WLF, cardinal for HPW). |
Spd | Steady wind speed in km/h. |
Gust | Wind gusts in km/h. |
Sky | Ovc=overcast, Bkn=broken, Vrb=variable, Sct=scattered, Clr=clear. |
POP6 | Probability of precipitation in the following 6 hours. |
Pcpn | Precipitation amount, water equivalent. |
Snow | Approximate snow amounts, based on Pcpn and Temp |
Vis | Visibility, based on precipitation type and intensity |
Type | Type of weather: R = Rain, S = Snow, Z = freezing precipitation, A = hail, W = showers, T = Thunder. Intenity of precipitation is indicated by "--" very light, "-" light, " " moderate, and "+" heavy. F = fog, IF = ice fog, DS=Drifting Snow, BS=Blowing snow. |
12hr P | Total precipitation for the preceding 9 hours plus the precipitation during the following 3 hours. |
R/S ht | Approximate boundary between rain and snow |
Page design last updated on July 31, 2017